In the business media, we love to celebrate the Divine One - like Steve Jobs. Undoubtedly, Apple would not be where it is today without Steve Jobs. But at the same time, we tend to forget that Steve Jobs would not have been able to make his contributions without the other people around him. These are the people who (directly and otherwise) work behind the scenes to get things done so that the Divine One can get their mojo happening.
We also pretend that the achievements of the Divine Ones are solely due to their own talent and abilities. We pretend that luck has no part of play. Because we want to pretend we have more control over the world around us than we really have.
Steve Jobs was incredibly lucky to be at the right places at the right times. Even to be born in the right time in history. He saw the opportunities before him, and responded, and worked, and committed to them, and then worked some more. Without luck setting the right things in progress for him to work with (things that were not under his control), history would tell a different story.
Sometimes, no matter how talented or hardworking you are, things don’t work out. Such is life. For every celebrated Divine One there are thousands of others (equally or even more talented) who don’t make it despite their talent and diligence.
Steve Jobs also had people who are willing to support him, despite his umm... “personality challenges.” People were willing to forgive him his mistakes. In an alternate timeline, he may well cross someone who has the means and desire to sue him out of history for the smallest infraction. Luckily that did not happen.
So while the naive dream of becoming the next Steve Jobs, the wise focus on aspiring to be the best they can be given their unique circumstances. In other words, becoming a Divine One should perhaps be a bonus and not a goal.
More hard work and less glamorous for sure; which will probably not appeal to the narcissistic.