Why is it so hard for us to see beyond our own prejudices, to remain centred in our own humanity when confronted with people outside of our comfort zone, and be more authentically accepting of differences?

Some people get terribly irrationally upset over interracial relationships, women’s rights, poly-amorous relationships, marriage equality, non-cis gender identities, for any number or reasons. The upset so completely overwhelms their ability to empathise, and to see what is actually going on, that otherwise loving and kind people find themselves engaging  in fearful angry and antisocial behaviours.

Fundamentally I believe many (most?) of us have open minds, because we do continue to learn new things everyday.

What stands in the way of accessing that openness is our beliefs and assumptions.


Unconstructive or unhelpful beliefs and assumptions limit our humanity. They turn off our empathy for others, stop us from connecting with others, and generally make us less-than human.

If we are unconscious of or unable/unwilling to acknowledge these beliefs and assumptions, we will be subservient to them and suffer the consequences.

The same mechanism also closes our mind to new ideas and innovation.  Unconstructive or unhelpful beliefs and assumptions can stop us seeing or engaging with new possibilities. We don't allow ourselves to. We dare not. Because we fear they may change us. Because they threaten our beliefs and assumptions.

What beliefs and assumptions do you hold about yourself and your world?

Are they helpful or obstructive?

Where do you think those beliefs and assumptions come from?

What do you think you can do to move beyond them, and reconnect with your deeper openness?