There are discrete bits of knowledge all over the internet. The more granular and specialised the knowledge however, the more background we need to make use of it.
The way domain experts provide instructions can really help bridge the first-leap gap. In starts with intentions and assumptions. Some experts speak only to other experts (a high level of assumed knowledge). Others are more conscious of newbies and their knowledge gap.
I have been looking for a solution to Ubuntu 12's lacklustre handling of the trackpoint on a Thinkpad T43. The sensitivity and speed settings were sluggish and did not respond to the mouse settings.
I found plenty of possible solutions. Unfortunately the posters assumed a level of Linux fluency that I simply do not have. Until I found this post [] by Justin Lintz.
Justin took the time to write a step by step guide that did not assume his readers to have as much insider knowledge. Same solution - but presented in a way that is accessible by more people.
Justin's thoughtfulness and extra effort is a great example of how experts can help the rest of us make sense and leverage the abundant amount of knowledge that is already out there. Thank you Justin.
When you write about your expertise knowledge, who is the intended audience?
How much background knowledge do you assume them to have?
How much more effort would it take to add a bit more background knowledge into your material? Could it benefit you to lend a helping hand?
Image: Step by step via Shutterstock.