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With the advent e-book readers (the Kindle, the iPad etc), and services like and; self-publishing or independent-publishing has never been more accessible.

Developing specialised e-publishing platforms could still be an opportunity. I am thinking services directed at vertical markets (as opposed to the two general examples give above.) For example: a unified and trusted scholarly paper publishing platform that could be used by all universities. Or one dedicated to publishing legal abstracts. With specialised tools relevant to their markets.

A consultancy service to help budding authors select and use online publishing systems could be a possibility too. Like a author’s coach – who has intimate knowledge of all the key platforms.

Consultancy to help businesses leverage independent-publishing related services like print on-demand, to change the way businesses think about customer engagement, publicity, training, and staff development – ie thinking around all the supplemental services around traditional publishing. For example – clients may appreciate a handbook of well thought-through tips than a mass of self-congratulatory pamphlets.

Last and not least – the opportunity for print/graphic designers, illustrators and writers to help businesses assemble useful e-books and e-publications.